Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Paper Orchid

Fun and easy paper orchids 
All we did was cut out and glue and everyone was so amazed of how beautiful it came out. 

Salt Painting

Here are the things you might need for this project.
Black Paper 
Paint Brush 
Food Coloring 

After making your pattern with glue and covering it with salt you can start coloring  

The residents had so much fun with this experiment we're definitely going to do it again 

Red Sox Opening Day

Yesterday was the Red Sox opening day at Fenway park and die hard  Boston fans you know we had to celebrate.

Our kitchen served ball park food Bar-B-Q chicken, hot dogs, and hamburgers to get everyone in the red sox feeling.

 Everyone in red!

The Residents and I made home made cracker jacks and served it while we watch the game with an ice cold  Coke and even non-alcoholic beer. We felt like were in the stands at the game. We had so much fun I didn't get chance to take pictures

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Strawberry social

As the weather starts to get warmer in boston its hard to get our residents to participate in indoor activities. On one of the warmest days we've had in boston I figure I find something for us to do that everyone can participate in and have an great time.

Within the time that I have worked as an activities director for residents that have some form of dementia I found out that some times the calendar doesn't work.

I couldn't get residents to participate in anything so I came up with a great idea. LETS HAVE A SOCIAL!  The plan was to sit out in the sun with our sun glasses and our sunblock and have a great time. I brought out the music and pulled out strawberries and it worked out great. I made an cocktail out of cranberry juice, orange juice, ice and fresh strawberries to keep everyone hydrated. It was so much fun! 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Find a rainbow day

We can't wait for summer so today we did find a rainbow craft using tissue paper glue and  construction paper. Playing a little dance music like Elvis.

I read an article about sensory and dementia the colors of the paper together wit ripping and the music is supposed to help residents focus. I have to say even though some of the residents that are low function had difficulties some did very well.  

I always love playing upbeat music. Most people love that I played Elvis Presley just wanted to get up and dance except for one resident lol  but all in all everyone had fun.

I always use youtube when I'm doing an art  project for music I can set up song play list and find songs with out using my budget to buy cds. Here is what I used. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Coffee Filter Butterflies

More than anything I believe that crafts are my favorite thing to do with the residents. This week we welcome spring with fun games and crafts we made watercolor butterflies and played spring trivia.
Here is a look at what the residence made

Spring Is Here

The start of spring is always an great time to have your residence think about planting .
 I found that it was hard to have them focus on gardening when its snowing out but it helped all of us look at the bright side. Its the end of WINTER and we are going to have a beautiful garden!

The great thing about working with residents that suffers with some form of dementia is that you can make it an project for all. For instance I played Spring and Summer songs form the 40's.  So my friends that couldn't participate in the planting still part of my activity. I try my bet to incorporate reminiscing into all my projects. Helping bringing back memories is my job. Did you have an garden? What did you plant? What was the best part of your garden?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

1st Post St. Patrick's Day Eve

Its always hard not working on a Major Holiday and be an Activities Director because of planing reasons. I found it hard this St. Patrick's day to celebrate with my REFLECTIONS residents an day before the holiday but everything seem to work out fine.

I always start every day with Daily Chronicles which you can find on  Activity Connection it talks about events that happens in the past on this day and also includes some trivia fun facts and Famous Birthdays and quotes my residents that are mostly people with some form of dementia love.

Number one thing for the elderly is to remain active I  do 45 minutes of exercises every day today was yoga to Irish music IRISH YOGA. Worked out great for everyone the residents that couldn't follow sung along to songs like WHEN IRISH EYES ARE SMILING AND MY SWEET IRISH ROSE that brought back a lot of memories for them

The residents at my facility love word games so after exercise and a short game of  basketball we played big word little word using  the words SAINT PATRICK. Followed by lunch then a documentary about the meaning of St. Patrick's day.

I always love doing crafts I believe that to be my specialty so some of the ladies and I made fake green carnations using coffee filters, pipe cleaners, ribbon and green watercolor paint (PICTURES COMING SOON) and we made them into brooches for them to wear to the party. After we did our weekly flower arrangement using silk flowers for our dinning room and party.

I have found from my time as an activity director that my residents just want to belong and help out as much as possible so making snacks for the social or our weekly flower arrangement for our dinning room table helps them feel more like they are part of the family helping out with daily chores than just an guest visiting.